What is a
A tribute in our context is simple. The FOROS Project works to build custom videos & web pages for family members, loved ones, and any other individual to share the stories of the people and places that helped shape them and/or their community. Each tributes holds carefully written content, given from the perspective of the client, intended for any audience, and accessible by anyone with access to web browser.
so many stories
Why build a TRIBUTE?
Current generations are quickly becoming a people that are slow to honor and quick to forget. Personally, we may have high regard for many people. We may have incredible memories of many places. Yet, we do not have (or do not take) the time to share those memories and pass along those stories with the generations we have been entrusted to teach. Building a tribute for those people and those places allows the opportunity to honor them as well as to pass along what you feel the world, and the generations that come, need to know.
leave messages for those who will remain when you're gone
Who's life do you need to speak into after you're gone? Who will need to hear encouraging words from you? If you could tell them anything, what would it be? Allow us to build a tribute for those you love in order to offer them encouragement when you're gone.